Computer-Based Testing for WSET Exams

What is computer-based testing via remote invigilation?

Computer-Based Testing via Remote Invigilation (RI) will enable you to take your exam in an invigilated environment from your home where you will be monitored via webcam, screen sharing technology and a secondary recording device during your exam. A video explaining this in more detail can be found here.

Do I need an internet connection to sit an RI exam?

Yes, you will need strong and stable internet connection to sit your exam. Your internet strength will be tested as part of the systems check.

Please note that you should not tether an internet connection but rather have a WIFI or hardwired internet connection for the exam

Remote Invigilation Devices

To sit a remotely invigilated exam it is required that the devices you intend to use meet the following technical requirements and are setup properly. You will need two devices as follows:

Device One: a device with a webcam and microphone to take your exam on such as a laptop or MacBook

Devices not supported for Device One:
Google Chromebooks, Android tablets (Nexus 7, etc.), iOS tablets (iPad, iPad mini, etc.), and Microsoft Surface RT.

Device Two (for recording the exam room): one device to record you taking the exam: a smart phone or tablet.

How is my remotely invigilated exam different from a WSET paper-based exam?

The exam questions and the time the exam takes are the same as for a paper-based exam. These can be found in the relevant qualification Specification, which also explains how the exam is marked. What is different is that you will be taking the exam by yourself at home, using a computer, instead of sitting a paper exam with other candidates at an exam venue

I don’t want to take a Remote Invigilation exam. Can I wait and take a paper-based exam later?

Yes! RI exams have been made available to support students who have been studying during the Covid-19 crisis, so that they don’t have to wait too long for an exam. However, there is no problem if you would prefer to wait until it is possible to attend your APP for a paper-based exam. Please contact your APP to let them know as soon as possible. They will let you know when paper-based exams are available again.

When is my exam?

Your Approved Programme Provider (APP) will have confirmed the date and time of your RI exam with you. If you are unsure of your exam date and time, please contact your APP directly. Note that the starting time of the exam listed is when you will begin the exam set up. You will be instructed to then begin the exam when the set up is complete. The exam clock begins when you enter the exam.

If you require Reasonable Accommodations to sit your exam, please contact your APP directly to discuss.

Is the time of my online exam flexible?

No – if you need to change the date or time, please contact your APP as soon as possible. Please note that you may need to pay an additional fee to rebook in accordance with their published terms and conditions.

Can I take the exam at the same time as someone else in my house?

If you plan on taking an exam at the same time as someone who lives at the same address as you, please flag this for your WSET course provider as we may need to make special arrangements for you.

Note that multiple candidates taking an exam at the same time and at the same location can cause bandwidth to become insufficient.

Is my exam available in other languages?

No, an RI Exam and all corresponding documents are only available in English.

How will I know that I am registered for my remotely invigilated exam?

You will receive two or three emails from WSET once you have been registered for your exam:

Email 1: is sent 10 days before the exam and will contain information relating to what devices you need to sit an RI Exam. It will ask you to perform a Systems Check.

Email 2: is sent three days before the exam and will only be sent to those candidates who have not yet conducted a system check advising you to do so ASAP.

Email 3: is sent 72 hours before your exam and will include a link to access your exam

Please contact your APP if you are unsure of the date and time of your exam as these details will not be provided in the automated emails you receive. If you try and access your exam early you will go to a holding page with a countdown timer that will show you how long it is until you can access your exam.

To ensure that emails are received directly to your inbox please add to your approved senders list.

How will I know if my devices are suitable for an RI exam?

You will receive an email from WSET 10 days before your exam with information on how to perform a system check before your exam. This email will contain information relating to what devices are required for you to sit your RI exam but in brief, you will need:

  • One device with a webcam and microphone to take your exam on such as a laptop or MacBook

  • Plus, one device to record you taking the exam: a smart phone or tablet.
    Please make sure that you read the Candidate Quick Guide contained in the system check email formore information.
    A list of system and device requirements can be found in Appendix A.

Do I need to download anything ahead to take my exam?

As part of your system check you will be asked to download the ProctorExam APP onto your secondary device. This will allow your secondary device footage to be connected to your exam attempt and WSET to confirm that the exam conditions have been met.Make sure to close this application once you have completed your system check so it does not continue to run in the background.

What browser should I use for my exam?

Please set Chrome to your default browser to take your exam and enable Adobe flash player. For information on how to do make Chrome your default browser, please click here. For instructions on how to enable Adobe Flash Player, please click here.

What happens if I experience a problem during my systems check?

There is an online chat function that you will be able to access during your systems check. This chat function will be able to answer any questions you have. The chat function is only available in English. Please remain patient and calm when waiting for assistance as the online chat function is helping multiple exam takers at the same time.

In the unlikely event that it is not possible to resolve your system check email via the chat function, please contact your APP as soon as possible noting your issue and the information below so we can attempt to resolve your issue with our provider before exam day:

  • Nature of issue; device set up, internet, etc.

  • Did you perform a system check and if so, did they experience any issues during the systemscheck?

  • Type of device used in the system check; makes and operating systems

  • Did you use the chat function and if so, was it helpful and timely in response time?

How should I set up my room for my remotely invigilated exam?

A video explaining how to set up your room for the exam can be found here.When you take your RI exam you must be in the room by yourself. The presence of another person in the room is an exam violation. The secondary device that you must use should be set up 3m/ 10ft away from where you sit the exam and will need to clearly show you taking the exam from the side. Your secondary device should also be plugged in during the exam so please take time before your exam to think about how you will position your phone after the exam setup is performed to avoid any delays. Your webcam must only face you. Plan ahead to avoid exam day stress.

What are the exam regulations?

Please make sure that you read the Exam Violations noted in Appendix B below to ensure that you are aware of the conditions of your exam. Candidates agree to abide by the exam regulations and will not commit any of the exam violations noted in Appendix B below. Failure to abide by exam regulations may render your results invalid. If your exam is invalidated, you will need to resit the exam at your expense.

Should I put a sign on the door of the exam room?

We recommend that you put a sign on the door of your exam room. For your convenience we have attached a poster that you can print and use in Appendix D below.

Can I have anything on my desk?

You are only permitted to have your ID and a glass of water or water in an unlabelled bottle. Paper and pen on your desk and/or taking notes during the exam are not allowed.

Your guidance says that I cannot wear a watch, but can I have a clockin the room?

Yes. Due to the advancements and capabilities of smart watches it is not possible for you to wear a watch during the exam, but you can have a clock in the room.

You will also receive three on screen prompts when you have 30, 15 and 5 minutes left to complete your exam.

Should I log out of other programmes?

Please log out of any programmes that you may have open on your computer before you start your exam, Teams, Skype, etc. You might be able to access other programmes during your exam but doing so is an exam violation and will render your exam attempt void.

If you do receive a message of notification during an exam, please ignore this and do not respond but carry on with your exam.

What is the process immediately before my exam?

Prior to your exam starting you will be asked to show your official photographic ID as well as testing your webcam, microphone, speakers and internet connection. You will also be asked to show the room in which you are taking your exam by scanning your phone around your surroundings; this includes showing the four corners of your room, the ceiling and the floor. Please make sure that you scan your room slowly so that a clear recording is made of your exam surroundings. This process is very similar to the process you will follow during your systems check. Once you have successfully tested these functions you will be shown a keycode that you will need to enter the Exam Platform to sit your exam.

Please ensure that you are ready to take your exam when you begin your pre-checks on the day of your exam. You are not permitted a bathroom break during your exam. Please allow at least 30 minutes to set up for your exam.

What ID do I need to show as part of the identification check?

You will need to show official photographic ID that shows your name and has a photograph. When presenting your ID, ensure your name and photo are visible and able to be verified by the proctor.

It is essential that your ID is clearly visible. Please take it out of your purse or wallet and remove any covering. Hold it flat in front of the webcam when instructed, making sure that there is no glare or reflection and that your fingers are not covering any part of it. If an unclear image is captured, WSET will need to contact you for additional proof of ID before your exam attempt can be validated and your exam results issued.

What happens if the name on my ID does not match the name I am registered to sit the exam under?

When you register with your APP for your exam please ensure that the name you register under is the name that appears on your official photographic ID. Please contact your APP as soon as possible with an explanation for the difference with any supporting documentation or if a correction if required.

What happens if I have a problem during my exam?

If you experience a problem during your exam you will be able to access an online help chat and they will be able to investigate. The chat service is only available in English. Do not be concerned if you need to wait a few minutes for the chat service to respond to your message. It is important for you

to know that if you start on-time, you should have enough time with an issue to enter the exam and complete it within the prescribed time frame. Set up time will not shorten the exam window.

If your secondary device is not working during the exam setup, please reinstall the ProctorExam application on your secondary device and rescan the QR code. If your secondary device, webcam or screenshare disconnects during the exam, you will be prompted on screen to take steps to reconnect the device.

What should I do if I experience an issue during my exam that cannot be rectified by the chat function?

If you experience an issue that cannot be resolved via the chat function before launching your exam, please contact your APP as they may be able to provide additional guidance.

If you experience an issue during your exam, please contact your APP as soon as possible after the exam with the information below:

  • Nature of issue; device set up, internet, etc.

  • Did you perform a system check and if so did you experience any issues during the systemscheck?

  • Type of device used in the exam; makes and operating systems.

  • Did you use the chat function and if so, was it helpful and timely in response time?

  • Any error messages or screen shots.

What happens if I lose internet connection during an exam?

If you lose your internet connection during the exam, once reconnected you will be able to enter back into the exam by clicking on the link in the exam email. You will be able to resume your exam where you left off – you will not lose any exam time due to the lost connection. If you lose your internet connection your exam will be flagged by the invigilators and reviewed by WSET.

How do I finish my exam?

When you have completed all of the Exam questions, the Next button will be greyed out. When you are ready to submit your exam, select the Finish Test button in the top right corner of the screen. Once you have confirmed you want to submit, your exam is officially submitted.

Do I have to close the ProctorExam app after my exam?

Yes. Once you have pressed Finished Test, click to confirm you want to finish your test on the popup windows. After your exam has been submitted, you are still be recorded until you close out of Proctor Exam. Select the “Finish Exam” button on the Launch page to stop recording and close the app on your secondary device.

Will I have instant access to my results?

No. WSET needs to perform quality checks on your results before we can confirm them to your APP. You will receive your results from your APP. If you are dissatisfied with your result, please contact your APP immediately to begin a formal appeals application.

Will anyone watch the video of me sitting my exam?

Your exam will be recorded and watched by a Professional Invigilator and any violations will be reported to WSET for review and action. The recording of you taking your exam will not be shared with your APP. A copy of the recording will be kept for 6 months. This is in line with our Privacy Policy and will only be reviewed for quality assurance processes.